Amphibian Research Lab @ Bucknell University

Ecology, Ethology & Conservation 

Current Research Focuses

Our research group is broadly interested in ecology, ethology, and, conservation of amphibians (and some reptiles). Our current projects focus on: 1) Interspecific interactions between wood frogs and spotted salamanders, 2) Effects of road salt pollution on an aquatic community, 3) Parental care behavior of Japanese giant salamanders, and 4) Population assessment of giant salamanders using environmental DNA.

Recent News

Interested in joining the lab?

Please go through the lab web page carefully to see if your research and personal interests fit those of the lab. Bucknell is a primarily undergraduate institution. But we also offer a master's program. Feel free to contact me if you are interested. 

Summer '22 research in Japan with Ibrahim Ware and Brigid McGuire.