ELEC 105:
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Spring 2010


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Have a safe and relaxing summer break, or, if you are graduating, good luck as you take your next step toward the "real" world!

Final Course Grades (5/15/10)

The final letter grades for the course have been submitted to Banner.

Final Exam (5/17/10)

The average score on the Final Exam was 86.7, and the median was 93.0. Average scores for all of the exams will remain available on the "Exams" page indefinitely. Your individual exam scores have been posted to Blackboard.

Final exams will not be returned nor will the solutions be posted. However, you may make an appointment with me at any time to look over your graded exam.

Grade Records (5/11/10)

My records of your exam, homework, and lab grades should now be available on Blackboard. I strongly encourage you to examine them closely and verify that they have been recorded correctly.

If you think that there is an error, please contact me as soon as possible. If necessary, I can correct your final course grade even after it has been recorded at the Registrar's office.


Site maintained by:
Prof. David F. Kelley (e-mail: dkelley AT bucknell DOT edu)
Electrical Engineering Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Updated: May 17, 2010

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